Termites are a major problem throughout the country, causing large amounts of damage and potentially costing thousands of dollars. Did you know that statistics indicate that 1 in 3 Australian homes nationally will suffer from termite damage during the life of the home and the average cost to fix this damage is $7000. More worryingly 74% of people stated that if a home had termites they would not be interested in buying it.
Protect your home and get your home inspected by us now!
If you think you have termites, DO NOT DISTURB THEM as it makes it harder for us to assess and treat. This will reduce the effectiveness of the chemicals, and may take longer to eradicate.
All Property Protect termite inspections are carried out in accordance with AS4349.3 – 2010 Inspection of Buildings – Timber Pest inspections
Book your Timber Pest Inspection today!